Scuba Diving

The experienced E-Sea Dive & Snorkel team at Fantasea Cruises can show you the magic below the surface. As an accredited PADI facility, Reefworld offers both Certified and Introductory diving at a permanently moored adventure platform on the Great Barrier Reef.

Protecting the Reef

Fantasea Cruises has adopted an environmentally responsible diving policy and they applaud divers who avoid unnecessary contact with the reef which is damaging to coral and marine life.

Discover the marine life

Expect to see a plethora of soft and hard corals and hundreds of species of marine life – Sergeant Majors, Tusk Fish, Surgeon Fish and Fusiliers, Angel Fish, Pincushion Starfish, Feather Stars, and an incredible range of Nudibranches and Flatworms. Their resident Maori Wrasse will demand your undivided attention and the giant Queensland Groper may even make an appearance. If you ask nicely!

All dives are conducted along a 70-meter reef wall and include equipment and a guiding instructor. Their equipment is maintained to the highest standards; assembled and ready for use when you are.

First Timer

See how incredible SCUBA diving really is! After a 20-minute lecture on board en route to Reefworld, you’ll be fitted with your equipment in the dive area and then taken to the ‘Moon Pool’ for a practice session.

Once you’re ready, our friendly dive instructors will gently guide you down the rope trail to a depth of 8-10 meters. A series of rope trails along the reef are used for reference points and security for the less confident and inexperienced divers.

For 30 minutes you’ll have time to enjoy the beauty of the reef from right up close. Small groups of 4 divers per instructor mean we offer a high level of supervision. You may even spot a turtle or eagle ray gliding by…

Do you want to jump in the deep end? Try the ‘Moon Pool’

A suspended dive cage in waist-deep water, located underneath Reefworld, The Moon Pool is an ideal safe area for introductory or more advanced divers to practice before venturing out into deeper waters.

Certified Diving

Entry is via the Moon Pool and divers are given the opportunity to dive to a maximum depth of 16 meters. This allows the experienced diver to explore an underwater world teeming with exotic marine life. Come face to face with a turtle; watch the busy anemone fish (Nemo) bury himself in the protective tentacles of the swaying anemone, lionfish, cuttlefish, morays, barracudas, unicorn fish, and possibly sight a reef shark patrolling his territory. You will also see a large array of multi-hued soft and hard corals. In fact, there is so much to see, it will have you back in the water for a second dive!

They offer great diving and great value – your one-off fee covers diving, air-conditioned transport to the Reef past some of the 74 islands of the Whitsundays – lunch, morning and afternoon tea, and the chance to dive on the Great Barrier Reef!