If you visit Hervey Bay today and you are returning after a significant break, you will notice a huge increase in the amount of resort accommodation that can now be found in the town. A number of new resorts have been built along Charlton Esplanade and in the vicinity of the Urangan Boat Harbour. Many tourist arrive in Hervey Bay to go whale watching as the region has the reputation for being the best place in the world for this activity. From mid July to early November thousands of humpback whales visit Hervey Bay and flocks of tourists book out all the local holiday accommodation. Day trips are also available to Lady Elliot Island, Lady Musgrave Island

Most Hervey Bay Accommodation is situated close to the water and mostly on the esplanade or close to the boat harbour at Urangan. There is a wide range to choose from including motels, resorts, holiday apartments and backpacker hostels. Hervey Bay and Fraser Island are a must see on the backpacker circuit and hostels like Colonial backpacker resort, the Palace backpackers and Next Backpackers provide a wide range of products to suit this market.
Along the Esplanade there is some top quality resorts and apartment accommodation. The brand new Bay Apartments are rated five star and the units are huge. It is located right on the Esplanade close to the Scarceness shops and within easy walking distance of a number of quality restaurants. At the Urangan end of the Esplanade lie Alexander Luxury apartments and the new Peppers Pier resort. Peppers now sets the standards for top quality accommodation in Hervey Bay along with the Mantra Hervey Bay and the Ramada resort which are both located near the Urangan Boat Harbour. Peppers is located close to the Hervey Bay pier and right on the beachfront. Not far from the Esplanade and also at Urangan is the popular Kondari resort. Situated on five acres and surrounded by lakes and also with direct access to the hotel and gaming next door this is a sought after and well located alternative.
Located at the Urangan Boat Harbour, are two fabulous resorts. The Great Sandy Straights Marina resort and the Boat Harbour resort are both situated right on the Urangan boat harbour. At the Great sandy Straits marina resort and the Mantra Hervey Bay you can step from your resort right onto the marina boardwalk and experience the local restaurants and boutiques, or depart from the marina on an adventure to either Fraser Island or out to see the famous whales of Hervey Bay. There are many tours available. You can also visit Mercure Kingfisher Bay resort for an extended stay or just for an evening meal.
Our helpful staff is available to assist you with any questions and to ensure that your can have your accommodation in Hervey bay booked with ease. Your Hervey Bay holiday could be right around the corner waiting to be your most memorable holiday ever.